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Feel free to listen to the music while you are reading.
Click on the play button.
It is very relaxing!
We are made of energy, and because energy is composed of vibrations and frequencies, every single cell in our physical body, as well as our emotions, has its own vibration and frequency. This energy also surrounds our body, contained in a field called the Aura. We exchange energy with the environment and bring energies from the environment and other people into our Aura. Essentially, we have a field of energies that vibrates at different frequencies every instant of our life. The subtle vibrations we are made of can affect our physical body, mind, and emotions.
We all have an energy system: an energetic life force, an electromagnetic field (aura), and a chakra system that manages the energy flowing into our body and keeps our cells healthy, alive, and performing positively.
Everything in the universe vibrates at various frequencies. Every part of our body vibrates and radiates positive or negative frequencies depending on our balanced or imbalanced energy and any energetic blockages we may have. If our body does not receive enough energy due to stagnant energy in our energy field or chakras, or due to impediments in the energetic system, it cannot maintain a high-vibrational frequency. On the physical plane, this condition may evolve into physical ailments, illness, and disease. The same can happen on other levels, such as the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.
During our lives, from the moment we are born, we experience emotions, traumas, and fears, and often try to hide them or put them in a place where we think we cannot access them. But they are there, sleeping, and even a single episode can wake them up, ready to affect our lives. Yes, I am saying "affect our lives" because, even if we do not realise the real cause, it manipulates our choices and behaviour, not only with others but also with ourselves. The most dangerous unresolved emotions are those experienced in childhood when we are more vulnerable and it is difficult to explain and be understood. As we grow up, we form our character and personality, which can be dictated by those emotions. As explained before, they may appear in the form of mental, physical, and even spiritual issues during our adulthood.
The emotions felt in childhood are not the only ones capable of blocking the energy flow. Remember, all emotions (negative for us, that create discomfort or distress), as well as thoughts, judgments, traumas, fears, non-acceptance, and so on, lower our frequencies and create blockages in the energy system or in a specific part of it.
In Energy Medicine or Energy Healing, they are called "demons" (not in a religious sense) because they feed off low-vibrational energy. To get it, they have to condition our lives to keep our vibrational state and frequencies low.
Energy Healing can help us understand and release repressed and suppressed emotions.
And what does it mean to have a healthy energy system? Surely, a healthy life (from all points of view - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) and general well-being. The secret to a healthy and happy life is living every instant of our lives, keeping our vibration at a high level. To do that, we have to understand our energy (including chakras and aura) and keep it clean, free to flow from our body outwards and from the universe inwards into our body. A healthy energy system can radiate energy everywhere, and everyone can feel it. You might have experienced sitting somewhere or simply walking, and for no apparent reason, you find yourself staring at a person, regardless of what they are wearing or their hairstyle. I would say "a kind of attraction" and curiosity. Something similar can happen to others: you are walking on your own, and people who pass by look at you and sometimes smile (a kind and polite smile, coming directly from inside them, and they probably do not even realise they are smiling). All of this, and much more, happens when you are shining, and your aura is shining from the inside out.
Working on the energy system and aura can give you a strong energetic boundary, helping you keep your vibrations and frequencies high and create a barrier for toxic energy and energetic larvae or energy vampires.
Last but not least, Energy Healing can wonderfully help you speed up recovery from physical ailments, including injuries, illnesses, and much more. The list of physical illnesses, diseases, or sicknesses that Energy Healing can help you with is very long, and it also includes temporary injuries (including sports injuries); it can provide support for mental disorders in conjunction with conventional medical treatments, relief from emotional episodes and disorders, and spiritual consciousness.
That is why I call Energy Healing an "amazing journey." I cannot say that it is an easy path because when something comes out, we have to address it. But the results of making a little effort are invaluable (and I say that because it happened to me). And another thing to remember: during this journey, you are never alone!
Energy Healing is accessible to everyone and always available. You do not need to be a spiritual person to be open and receptive to energy. As I said before, you are made of energy (even if you do not believe it), and sometimes the energy system needs to be balanced.
Energy Healing can help you with physical ailments, illness, and diseases, helping the body enhance its ability to heal itself; mental issues such as mild depression, anxiety, and so on, helping you relax your body and mind and start thinking differently; emotional distress, giving you the opportunity to understand your emotions and start an energy cleaning process; spiritual consciousness because we are not only a physical body, and the discovery of who we really are can be an amazing surprise!
Energy Healing Therapy can be used to treat different conditions and complements many other forms of treatment. It can be combined with other holistic therapies and conventional medical health treatments.
Keep in mind that Energy Healing or Energy Medicine DOES NOT replace conventional medicine, and it is highly recommended to seek medical support and treatments provided by a healthcare practitioner or specialist before commencing Energy Healing treatment and tell your doctor your willingness to start holistic therapy.
During an Energy Healing Session, I work on the person's energy field and chakras, clearing stagnant energy and blockages, and channeling new, fresh energy. It is a natural process, and I am guided by the energy itself. Often, my hands are drawn to a particular area of your energy field, even if I am working on something else. This is because the real problem, from an energetic point of view, may be located elsewhere and carefully hidden.
During the session, I may receive information from your energy, telling me where the real problem is, what it is, and how to approach it. There are occasions when I can see episodes of your life, how you behaved, and the consequences of those actions within you. Everything depends on what the energy wants to show me to help you in the best possible way. If it is something you are ready to hear and work on, I will start talking about it slowly until you become aware and begin to remember and think. Sometimes, the real problem is so deep inside you that you are not ready to know it. In this case, it takes some time before I can explain it, and in the meantime, I work on the problem to bring it to light. However, there is much more. There is always an "energy privacy," and I need your permission before starting to work with your energy.
Normally, the first sessions are "quiet" and very relaxing, although it is possible to have some physical and emotional feelings. The person needs to be confident and trusting before deep energy work can begin. I need to access the energy field and chakras, and often there is an "armour" (as I call it) that I need to dissolve slowly.
Every session may be different in terms of feelings, and it depends on what the energy is working on. The type of session also depends on the reason you are seeking an Energy Healing Treatment. If you have physical ailments, including illness or disease, the majority of the session will focus on the particular area that is suffering, after an initial relaxation. For mental, emotional, and spiritual treatments, the session will focus on the area of your Energy System where the problem lies.
For the majority of the session, you will be lying on the therapy table (if you do not have a condition that makes this impossible) with your eyes closed to enhance relaxation. You are always welcome to ask questions, share your feelings, and/or discomfort during the session. I usually respect the person and do not talk unless you want to talk about something, or I have some questions related to what I have noticed, the blockages, and your energy in general.
The session is completely non-invasive and may involve hands-on or hands-off techniques, depending on the Energy Healing Technique I use. There are different feelings you may experience during and after the sessions, and they are different for each session. The energy goes where there is an issue, where there is an unresolved emotion, trauma, or fear that causes the problem. When one or more "points" are touched by the energy, it starts to clean them up, removing stagnant energy, clearing any blockages you may have, and replacing what is taken off with new, clean energy. This process can be a bit "stressful" for the physical body, your mind, and your emotions because they have to start "working" on the situation and begin a self-healing process. This may cause different sensations that are always positive because they are part of a healing process: an energy boost, a more positive and relaxed mindset, a positive attitude, light-headedness, but also tiredness, sadness, anger, or other emotional episodes that may last a few days after the session. All of this is completely normal because something deep and hidden inside us is starting to wake up, bringing memories and feelings that, this time, are going to be understood and transmuted into experience and let go.
I normally combine different techniques and modalities within an Energy Healing Session, including Bio Energy Healing and Crystal Healing. The reason is simple: even if the purpose of each one is almost the same (our physical and mental wellbeing), they operate in slightly different ways, and integrating all of them into a single session enhances the results, and I can work on different aspects simultaneously.