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Crystal healing is a holistic and non-invasive approach to achieving wellness. It is based on vibrational energy-based healing. Crystals are usually cleaned, charged, or programmed with the healer's intentions and placed either on or around the physical body. The energy field emanating from the energised crystals may help the body heal itself, calm the mind, and support the soul and spirit. Crystals are also used to create specific grids based on sacred geometry and placed within an environment.
Crystals work deeply on the energy field, bringing subtle changes into our lives. This is possible because their structure reflects the Platonic Solids of sacred geometry, which are the building blocks of our physical reality and can be applied on almost every scale. Everything in nature is balanced, just like the Platonic solids are balanced and equal.
Some crystals have a particular property called the piezoelectric effect. They accumulate an electric charge across some of the planes within their structure when mechanically stressed and release it, changing the vibration. In crystal healing, this effect is created by rubbing or twisting the crystal or simply holding it in the hands. Because we vibrate and emanate frequencies, and every thought and intention has a specific vibration, the healer is capable of transmitting the specific intention, in the form of energy, frequency, or vibration, to the crystal. The intention can be related to anything, although each crystal works better for a specific purpose.
Crystals can absorb, direct, and diffuse energy, and much more, because they interact with the electromagnetic field and subtle frequencies of our body and environment. They are used for many purposes, including working on the chakras by cleaning, charging, and balancing them, physical healing by exchanging the right vibrations and frequencies with specific organs or groups of organs, emotional and mental healing, meditation, and so on.
Energy medicine, which includes crystal healing, is based on the belief that an energy imbalance may bring to light illness and disease, which are manifestations of physiological, emotional, mental, spiritual, and environmental issues. The goal of healing is to bring the body into its natural equilibrium, vibration, and frequency. Crystals may help restore physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy balance, giving you the opportunity to achieve wellbeing and happiness.
Crystals are fascinating, and because of their healing properties, linked with the subtle energies, they work on a very deep level and are also powerful. During a crystal healing session, a lot of energy is involved, and the principles of sacred geometry are also applied.
Prior to the session, the crystals are cleaned, energised, and charged with a specific intention. Normally, during this process, I send information related to sacred geometry to the crystal.
This is why I strongly recommend starting your journey with energy healing sessions before requesting a specific crystal healing session with me.
Energy healing sessions help your body and energy start a cleaning process and become more open to accepting the crystal energy and its benefits. I also combine crystal healing with energy healing sessions to enhance the overall effects, with your permission or if requested by you. In this way, the crystals work on some aspects simultaneously with the energy or bioenergy healing treatments and are continuously charged by the energy involved during the session.